Application - Installed on the server of control center for the remote control/upgrade/maintenance/configuration on the terminals, and man agement on access control card and record.
Features - Operation system windows server2012 with B/S Structure. Easy to maintain and upgrade with cross-platform application. - Terminal Management, including online status check, auto provision, remote parameter modification, terminal reset and upgrade, batch upgrade and addition. - Access Card Management, including card's addition, deletion, edition and distribution. - Access Record Management, including synchronization, statistics, deletion and query. - Account Management, including account addition and deletion , address management and sub account management.
How to get an FDMCS account? 1 Send us an email to, indicating: Company name: Email address (Consider that the activation link corresponding to your FDMCS account will reach that email address): Country: 2 The Fanvil engineer will carry out the account activation process and the activation link will automatically be sent to the indicated email. 3 When the user enters the activation link, will be redirected to the FDMCS platform to complete the activation process by defining their user credentials.